With my first novel (YA, The Pull of Gravity, FSG) coming out next spring, I've decided to be brave and push buttons.
On my computer screen, I mean.
The thing is, in order to sell my book, I've got to not only get myself out there, but get other people's stuff out there. You know, a one hand washes the other type of thing. Plus, it's fun (and hard). The deal is, you're trying to create a presence. For a girl (ahem) of 45, a lot of this stuff is still futuristic and a little bit scary feeling. How do I do this? Will it work? Am I sending this out to one person, fifty people, the universe? Three years ago, I didn't even know how to upload a photo or post on a forum, or that w00t should be written with zeros. IDK if any of these things are even valid anymore.
But you know what? Sometimes, you just gotta be brave, cross your fingers, push buttons and hope for the best.
*Hits "share" and closes eyes and waits to see if computer explodes.*